Top 10 Ways to Improve the eCommerce Customer Experience

Customer experience is the new battleground for eCommerce businesses. It has been proven time and time again that improving the customer experience can have a direct impact on business performance. But many online retailers still struggle to create meaningful customer experiences! Some have a hard time because they don’t understand what customers want, while others implement changes that end up harming the customer experience.

Many factors contribute to a great customer experience, but we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 that can have a huge impact.

1. Make the customer experience a priority.

When talking about customer experience, many businesses focus on the post-purchase experience, such as returns or customer service. But the customer experience starts long before a sale is made. Make sure to design your eCommerce website with the customer in mind from the very beginning. This means making sure that your e-commerce site is easy to navigate, with fast-loading pages, and a search function that works! Also, creating a page where customers can provide their feedback will improve the user experience on your site.

Prioritizing your customer's experience also means that you have a customer relationship management (CRM) system in place. Through this system, you can manage how you interact and build relationships with both current and future customers. An effective CRM implementation can have a big impact on the customer experience. Make sure you are using data from your CRM system to segment your customers and personalize their experience on your website.

2. Build a strong foundation with your eCommerce platform.

Your eCommerce platform is the foundation of your online store, so it’s important to choose one that will give you the flexibility and scalability you need to grow your business. If you’re not happy with your current platform, don’t be afraid to make a switch. It may seem like a daunting task, but in the long run, it will be worth it.

3. Offer a variety of payment options.

One of the easiest ways to improve the customer experience on your eCommerce site is to offer a variety of payment options. This includes everything from major credit cards to popular online payment methods like PayPal. The more options you offer, the more likely you are to accommodate every customer’s needs. Of course, if you offer credit card payment gateways, you must also make sure to protect customer data

4. Provide multiple shipping options.

In addition to offering a variety of payment options, you should also provide multiple shipping options. Customers should be able to choose from different delivery methods, such as standard shipping, express shipping, or even local pickup. Giving customers the ability to choose how they want their order delivered will make them much more likely to complete a purchase.

5. Have a customer-focused returns policy.

Customers purchase things online because of the convenience an eCommerce platform can offer. But what if they need to return the item? Can you still offer the same hassle-free process as your deliveries? 

No one likes dealing with the hassle of returning an item, so make sure your return policy is clear and concise. Consider also the reasons why customers might need to return an item and try to accommodate those as best you can. Implementing a customer-friendly returns policy can also improve the overall customer experience on your eCommerce site because it shows that you care about your customers and their satisfaction. 

6. Offer live chat support.

Another great way to improve customer experience is to offer live chat support on your website. This allows customers to get help with any questions or problems they might have, without having to pick up the phone or wait for an email response. Live chat also allows you to resolve issues in real-time, which can be a major selling point for customers.

7. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly.

In today’s world, your eCommerce site must be mobile-friendly. Websites that aren't optimized for mobile devices tend to have long loading times, small text, and a layout that’s not easy to navigate. Thus, with more and more people using their smartphones and tablets to shop online, you can’t afford to lose out on potential customers by not having a mobile-friendly site. If you’re not sure if your site is up to par, try testing it out on different devices to see how it looks. 

8. Use high-quality product images.

Another important aspect of the customer experience is the quality of your product images. Customers want to be able to see what they’re buying. Since buying stuff online limits this experience, your product photos must be clear, well-lit, and show all the important details. In addition, using multiple images per product can also be helpful, as it gives customers a better idea of what they’re getting.

9. Offer customer reviews and testimonials.

One way to build trust with potential customers is to offer customer reviews and testimonials on your site. This social proof will show visitors that your products or services are high-quality and worth their money. If you don’t have any customer reviews yet, consider reaching out to some of your past clients and asking them to leave a review on your site.

10. Secure your website.

When customers are entering their personal and financial information on your website, they need to know that their data is safe. This means your site should have a valid SSL certificate and all the latest security measures in place. One of the best ways to ensure your cyber security is to put in place good cyber hygiene practices. This means having strong passwords, using two-factor authentication, and regularly backing up your data. 

The Bottom Line

Improving customer experience on your eCommerce site is essential if you want to boost sales and build a loyal customer base. Always remember that your customers are the most important part of your business. You should always make sure you’re doing everything you can to accommodate their needs. By following the tips above, you’ll be well on your way to providing a stellar customer experience that will keep shoppers coming back for more.

Bobby Vincent Bruno